Aug 22, 2011


So, this morning, I got my usual “daily match” email… and I have to tell you I was very pleased with the results!  First, I saw a very handsome face when I logged in (handsome in multiple pictures, not just one LOL).  Next, I saw that we had a fair amount in common – we even answered some of the questions the same way. 

So I sent an ice breaker…

The day was as normal as a Monday could be.  The usual grind – Meetings… Taking care of “fast turn” requests from my department’s Senior Director… Getting a jump start on work for the week…  There was even an exciting planned BART protest that prompted a few of us to leave early to miss the craziness.  BART is the local train/subway system and this is the third protest in three weeks – ugh!  If the BART officers would just stop shooting people, they wouldn’t have so many protests (eye roll).

Back to my day… so I’m in the BART station with about 3000 other people who decided to leave early too, and I pulled out my phone to check my email.

OMG – I got a response to my ice breaker!!! :)  It’s my first ice breaker response, and did mention that he’s a cutie?

I got home and we began going back and forth on the line of standard questioning that e-harmony sets up for you (you know, to weed out psychopaths and axe murderers).  Here’s what you get:
·         “Get to know you” multiple choice questions.  Some of the answer choices are quite comical and could easily put you in the “I’m a non-stop partier” or “I’m a complete dud” category – both of which I am not.
·         “Must Haves” and “Can’t Stands” where you list your top 10 in each category.  It’s a very long list of choices, which does include some choices that are slightly inappropriate when you’ve only known someone for, oh, 10 minutes (like a “must have” of being passionate and something about trying new things sexually).  Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for that, but let’s save that conversation until after we’ve actually met each other. ;)
·         Open-ended questions.  This lets a little more of their personality come through, and this is the step that we’re on now.

BTW, we did answer very similarly so far on the first two sets of questions… looks like a nice, compatible match (good job, e-harmony, you’re earning your $134.85).  And did I mention he’s a cutie? (I know, like three times so far LOL).   I’ll be in Florida in a few days – I’m heading out to find a place to live.  Who knows?  If things look good, perhaps we could meet for coffee when I’m there.

So, now I wait.  I’m doing some work online while I wait, but honestly, I’m a little distracted – can you blame me?  This totally feels like flirting but you actually get to learn about someone – It’s so much fun!  And, he’s a… well, you know (insert girlish giggle here).

The suspense is killing me!  I’ll keep you all posted on what happens next. ;)


  1. ooooh, intriguing and SO exciting. I have my fingers crossed that it goes well [online] this week with him and you get to meet him in FL.

    Is he cute? [heehee]

  2. I can't imagine trying to find anyone new at my age and with VD. (Which, in my case stands for Varying Decrepitude, something that's really hit me in the last few years).I figure that if anything happens to my hubby, I will just be alone.

    So I wish you lots of luck. And hope that he's cute when you see him in person, too.
    And that he doesn't have either kind of VD.

  3. Favorite quote to date - "good, thin, datable pictures"!!!! We all need some of those girl!!
