Oct 31, 2011

Closing the book

The e-Harmony match with M-Daddy has been officially archived and now officially closed.

Ok, allow me to back up… So, we had a very nice (and somewhat involved) date, but apparently he didn’t like the fact that we were an hour away from each other.  Sure, he made a comment about the drive when he got here, but based on what transpired during the date, I was pretty sure he didn’t mind.  After all, we managed to make it work just fine when we were 3000 miles away from each other, surely we could make being one hour away from each other work.

My feelings on the matter:
·         I like him and saw good potential in the relationship.  An hour isn’t that bad and you find ways to make it work.

His feelings on the matter:
·         He liked me, we had fun together and he saw the same potential that I did, but an hour is just too long of a drive.

So that’s it.  After trying to make it work, I’m now officially done with M-Daddy.

Since it’s over, which he made very apparent after he uploaded a new picture on e-Harmony a matter of hours after our date (I noticed that this morning), I got busy reviewing my other potential matches.  I’m back to starting from square one, so I sent out some “smile” icebreakers to see what happens. 

I’ve been in the dating pool for almost three months (which come to think of it, my e-Harmony renewal will be coming up soon, ugh!), and so far the only thing I have to show for it was a very long text thread which has now been deleted.   Here’s to the next three months!


  1. Cheers! Here IS to the next three months.

    [And an hour drive is not insurmountable. pish!]

  2. Tony drove 45 to 60 minutes one way, with construction traffic, to get to me for 7 years.

    My point. When it's right, the distance doesn't matter.

  3. I agree with Julianna. And I look forward to celebrating dating success with you in the future!
