Oct 9, 2011

Welcome to the Sunshine State!

I’m happy to report that I’ve made it to Florida!  I got in on Thursday night, so I was able to cover over 3o00 miles in 5 days.  M-Daddy kept me company along the way between texts and phone calls, and he got more and more excited as I got closer to Florida (I don’t know who was more excited – me or him!)

The trip itself was fairly uneventful.  But I did see some funny stuff along the way…
·         “Watch for Elk” – apparently there are a lot of elk between Arizona and New Mexico.  There were several signs including one that said I was entering Elk Country… I guess I’ll keep my eyes peeled.
·         “Watch for Snakes” – these were mostly in Texas.  I especially liked it when these signs were posted in the children’s play areas at the rest stops… “Here kids, play in this area and try not to pick up anything that hisses at you…”
·         “The Original Fried Pies” – two things come to mind about this one… (1) I didn’t realize that there were a lot of knockoff fried pies, and (2) how exactly do you fry a pie?
·         “Visit the Knife Outlet” – apparently the regular knife store had so much overstock, they were able to open an outlet… But that could be handy if the ol’ road rage gets out of control.
·         “Are You Going to Heaven or Hell” – I guess this depends on the road rage and if I stop at the knife outlet…

But the most interesting sign was one by the highway in Albuquerque, NM.  It has a simple message:

“Don’t Fry Bacon Naked”

Not exactly what I expected to see on the side of a highway, but a good tip nonetheless.

Anyway, now that M-Daddy and I are in the same time zone, we’re able to talk and text a bit more. He’s able to text me in the morning to say good morning without waking me up at like 3 am and I can text him to say good night when I go to bed.  (pause, smile, *sigh*)

Most importantly, we’re now only 5 days from our first date!  The official first date plans are the traditional “dinner and a movie” at a center about half way between our places.  I scoped out some of the restaurants, and found a good option.  Best of all, I can wear the “secret weapons” with a pair of jeans and a cute top and it will be the perfect outfit.  He’s coming from work, so he’ll be a little more dressed up (I certainly don’t mind that!)

Anyway, this will be a busy week!  My furniture gets delivered so I can start setting up the house and begin settling in.  Also, the days will be ticking down until Friday night when I finally get to meet M-Daddy!  It's the official start of my brand new life! :)


  1. We came home from 6 flaggs today and I saw a sign that said "When you die, you'll meet Jesus"


    I had no idea. I thought Jesus was the guy who worked in recieving. :)

    Have fun on your date. -J

  2. Glad you are there safe & sound. Enjoy!
