Oct 15, 2011

One Hell of a week…

Boy, a lot has happened this week…

First, my furniture didn’t arrive.  Turns out there was a “miscommunication” on the date that I requested the delivery.  The date you put is supposed to be the beginning of a 14-day window for delivery.  They guy who supervised my pick up said “oh, it never takes 14 days, so just put the date you want delivery.” When I started to call the company the day before my delivery to confirm it, they said it wasn’t coming because it was only the start of the 14 day delivery window.  Needless to say, I just want my stuff at this point, and it looks like it will get here in another week or so.  And yes, they’re already talking about giving me a discount because of the mix-up.  Ugh… the worst part is that all my sexy heels were packed up!

Since I don’t have any furniture, I’m “camping” in the empty house.  At least I have the basics (air mattress, small table for a desk, etc.) so I can function, but I’m working with a limited selection of wardrobe choices here since I really only packed for the road.  And as you know, I had a date to go on…

The date…  I know you’re all dying to hear about that, but let’s start before the date… M-Daddy and I had fun with the final countdown until the day.  First it was counting down days, then it switched to hours as it got closer.  It was fun and built a lot of anticipation.  We had our restaurant picked out and we knew we wanted to see a movie, but hadn’t decided which one in advance (but we both scoped out the choices in advance).

Wardrobe choices… Since I didn’t have much with me, I was really glad that I did make a stop at a large SF Banana Republic store and picked up a few things, including a cute (aka casual, yet sexy) knit dress.  I only had two choices of shoes – grey flat sandals or tan flat sandals (both Sam Edelman, so very cute).  The idea of wearing the “secret weapons” went right out the door since they were still in a box in California.  I picked up a tan cardigan at a local Banana Republic store here to complete the outfit with the tan sandals, and I was officially ready for the first date.  Not my first choice for a date outfit, but it will do in a pinch. :)

First meeting… So, after flirting quite a bit over the last six weeks or so, I was wondering what that first encounter would be like.  Would it be a mad passionate kiss?  Would there be groping involved?  Turns out, no – he was a perfect gentleman with a nice casual kiss and a big hug.  Boy, it really felt good to hug him!  And he’s tall, which was even more apparent since I was wearing flats.

Back to the date… We had a nice dinner (which he paid for), saw Real Steel, which is a surprisingly good movie (which I paid for) and got some ice cream afterwards (which he paid for) and walked around the center for a while and just talked.  It was your typical first date, except that we already kind of knew each other.  At the end, he walked me to my car and we had a nice “end-of-first-date-kiss” that reminded me of a couple of teenagers making out in the parking lot before going home.  That was totally fun! ;)

Now that the first date is behind us, we’ll see what happens next.  Both of us had to work a bit today, so maybe there’s a second date in the cards for tomorrow…  I can’t wait for my shoes to get her so he can really see what he’s in for with me! I don’t call them the “secret weapons” for nothing… ;)


  1. Sorry about the furniture and the clothes, but the date sounds fantastic! Just wonderful.

    Hope you guys continue to have fun. How is work going?

  2. He better be paying for the date! Stop paying girl, that is NOT your job... the man is LUCKY to have your company....PUT AWAY YOUR WALLET! I never pay for a date, never!

    Love the shoes, I have a few hundred myself...mostly sandals since I live in Maui. I must say, yours are much more impressive!

