Feb 16, 2012

Love is in the air…

Swing and I had our first Valentine’s Day together and it was wonderful.  He sent me beautiful red, white and pink roses (they came with a cute little teddy bear) and got me I LUV U peeps and Valentine’s M&Ms (boy, does he know the way to my heart!)  I made a nice dinner for Valentine’s Day… complete with candles, sparkling wine and a little chocolate heart shaped cake for dessert.  If you’re curious, I got him a book by his favorite author that he was able to get signed last weekend and I got him a new digital camera. 

Now, I’ve been in love before, but it’s never been like this.  I’m very much in love with him, but the difference for me is what I feel in return.  I feel so loved by him, and it’s wonderful. :)  We kiss all the time (and yes, we’re still keeping our tradition of kissing at red lights).  We hold hands… we walk with our arms around each other… we stop and kiss for absolutely no reason…  We’ve become that couple – you know, the ones that are so hopelessly in love with each other and so stinkin’ cute together.  Yep, that’s us!  I’ve always wanted to be part of that couple, but never was, until now.  It’s such a great feeling and one that was a long time coming (for both of us).

Speaking of love, a sweet Valentine’s tradition that I love are those wonderful little chalk-like candy hearts.  Anyone who is addicted to them like I am knows that they’ve changed over the past few years and just don’t taste the same (boo).  The sayings have changed too – you know, to keep up with the times.

You have your old favorites like XOXO, LOVE ME, SOUL MATE, CUTIE PIE, PUPPY LOVE, MY LOVE and FOR EVER.

Now there are some new ones like TWEET ME, EMAIL ME, TEXT ME and YOU ROCK.  FRIEND ME and PIN IT can’t be far behind…

There are some that are a bit questionable:  LOVE HIM (am I giving this candy heart on behalf of someone else?), GAME ON (ohhh, a challenge), U CAN DO IT (for a little inspiration), LET’S RIDE (um... OK), GO GO GO (away?), SHAKE IT (aren’t these targeted to children?) and JUMP 4 ME (which, if printed crooked, just looks like JUMP ME). 

Then of course, there are the lovely little hearts pictured to the right (OK, I couldn't get the picture to load correctly into blog, so I had to improvise...)

As you can see, quality control is a little lax at the old candy heart factory.  The one on the left kind of looks like it says "BONO" (for all those U2 fans).  My favorite is the one on the right that says CK ME.  I guess you can insert whatever word you can think of that ends in CK to fill in the blank…

Swing has less than two weeks before closing on his house (and bidding the ex goodbye).  He’ll be moving to “the inn,” which is, actually, a real inn right near the beach.  His family owns it and is in the process of renovating it, so he’s moving in to the main part, which is a 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo with a beautiful sunroom that overlooks the water.  Since that’s “the inn,” we’ve nicknamed my house as “the pool house.”  It will be nice to get him settled in so I can start spending more time with him.  He spends the weekends with me and now, I’ll be able to stay a few days at a time with him (since I work remotely, all I need is wireless and a place to set up my computer).  We’re both really looking forward to being able to spend more time together.

Speaking of time together, we’ve officially booked our first vacation together.  I’m going to SF in a few weeks for work, so I extended my trip through the weekend and Swing will be flying out to join me.  He’ll get there late on Thursday night – I work on Friday, so he can sleep in and relax.  He’ll join me at my office for lunch so he can meet some of the people I work with, then we’ll pick up our rental car and get settled in our new hotel for the weekend.  It will be nice – we have all day Saturday and Sunday to do some sightseeing, then we’ll leave on Monday to head home.  It’s a perfect weekend getaway that will involve Cable Cars, beautiful sights and wine tasting – oh, and kisses… lots of kisses. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds lovely. :) I am so happy for you... it's been a long time coming.

    Now me, I'm like old married folk already... I wouldn't even know what to do with those candy hearts. :)
