Dec 9, 2011

Things aren’t always what they seem (again!)

Oh boy… So I was enjoying getting to know Mr. Cheers and honestly, I was really falling for the guy.  He was sweet, lovable, romantic… and oh yeah, he was also a complete scammer who asked me to wire him money this evening.

Um, no.

I started to research dating scams online and low and behold, I found a whole section of devoted to this guy (or at least to the pictures he was using).  Most women heard a very similar story to what I heard… widower… had a young son… did contract work for an oil company… Unfortunately, most ended up sending this guy money – I, fortunately, did not.  I sent him a reply to his last email that said this:

I found a very interesting website…
Seems that you really get around. 

(and yes, I have several of those same pictures that he sent to me)

Ugh!  I’m 0 for 2 in this dating thing… I got a guy who flaked out on the first date and a guy who professed his undying love for me, but needed me to help him purchase some supplies to complete the oil contract that he was working on (to the tune of $1000…)  Yes, I fell for this guy but no, I’m not a complete idiot.

At least I have a new website to check with for the next guy I date… LOL 

This whole dating thing isn’t working out exactly how I planned… 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I have to be honest with you. When you wrote about him in your last post and mentioned he had a 4 year old son, but he was a widower and had been for 4 years the alarm bells went off. My first thought was "What, did she die in child birth?" But I didn't write that, I just left a vague sort of comment because I didn't want to sound snarky and rain on your parade.

    I am sorry that he was SUCH a scammer and a liar [Using the kid in the scam is so, so low. I feel for the little boy.] But glad you didn't get sucked into it. Bravo.

    There are a mixed bag of people out there. I know there are a lot of nice guys, but at the same time there are a lot of creeps. I am sure one will come along that is a sweetheart. Just take it slow and don't fall so hard, so fast and time will tell.

    Good luck!
